In Memoriam: 10.21.2007 - 1.24.2019
The only purebred on the Fetch Life Team, KD is an AKC certified Doberman Pinscher born in 2007. She hails from McAlester, Oklahoma and is the reason we fell in love with her breed. Miss KD’s favorite activities are leading Varmint Search Ops with her big head (including chasing them, treeing them, and barooing at them through windows), and climbing into people’s laps believing herself to be a 70-pound lapdog. KD has an enormous heart, has been a mama dog to our pack, beaten sarcoma in 2016, and is currently in the battle of her life against Lymphoma. Her final moments will be chasing chipmunks or running full tilt as every moment is to be lived hard. Our #1 Dobe, KD specializes in over-the-road truckin’ and all things big.